God, I’m so fricking tired. I don’t know what it is (other than just a glorious new side effect of the pregs), but this last week the fatigue has hit me like a freight train. Oof. Part of it, I’m sure, is related to the suckiness of my day job, but it’s not like that’s sucking any more than usual – it’s just taking more energy to deal with the suckiness lately. By the time 5:00 rolls around I pretty much just want to lay right down on the floor and go to sleep. Actually, that’s how I feel at about 10 am, but I can stave it off until 5, and then I just want to die. It’s like all my reserves have been permanently depleted. And the thing is, I can’t just end my day at 5:00. I have an apartment to pack, a set to finish designing, kitties (and myself) to feed, email to catch up on – these are the things that usually fill my evenings, and when I’m in a normal state, I even find them revitalizing. It takes my mind off the job-suckiness and gets me in a decent frame of mind for the next day. But now, lord have mercy. It’s about all I can do to find some cheese sticks and cereal for dinner and then crash out on the sofa. Poor Mr. Squab, who’s been inundated this week with extra regular and freelance work, has his hands full. He brings me home dinner when he can and rubs my back and tells me to just go to bed and he’ll do the packing and cleaning. Which of course makes me feel awful! Because I should be able to help! So then I feel awful and tired, and then I get weepy, and then Mr. Squab has to take care of a weepy Squab in addition to all the other stuff. Gah. It’s a vicious cycle. So is this just how things are until the baby comes? Anyone got any tips? Because I’d really, really, really like to have some energy sometime soon.
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