Tag Archives: video

Good Riddance, 2008!

Looking back, I have to say that 2008 was not exactly a banner year. We had a break in and robbery, both cars broke down and had to be replaced, lots of pregnancy-related ill health, grandma going crazy and then dying – not to mention the economy going to hell and all kinds of political craziness. There were good things, of course – getting back in touch with old friends, my sister having her first baby, the Hatchling getting more and more interesting and fun(ny), satisfying projects around the house, etc. But overall, I’m not really sad to see the year go, you know?

Lately I try not to make uber-specific New Year’s resolutions on the principle that they just make me feel like a wanker when I don’t achieve them, but here are my sort of generalized ones:

1. Write more. In any area (blogging, academic, personal, etc.)
2. Keep working on being a more chill, zen-type person instead of the anxiety-ridden freakazoid that my genetic background wants me to be.
3. Find ways to enjoy being healthier.
4. Learn to say no without feeling guilty.
5. Breathe deeper and enjoy the ride.

Frankly, I’ll be happy if I can achieve (1) at any level. The rest is just gravy. How about you?

Oh, and a little post-Christmas cheer: here’s the Hatchling opening presents on Christmas Eve.

Opening Presents – Yo Gabba Gabba (Xmas 2008) from Squab on Vimeo.

So freaking awesome

Just doing my bit to spread some holiday joy. And Holy Hannah, does this give me a lotta joy. Shamelessly stolen from Questionable:

Fa la la la la, la la la la

This is the first year the Hatchling is old enough to want to help with the Christmas decorations. We finally got the tree up this weekend, and she was very “helpful” with the ornaments (or as she likes to call them, the “wondaful decowations”). Sure, she wanted to hang all of them off the same small branch, but at least she did manage to actually hang some all by herself!

Decorating the Christmas Tree, 2008 from Squab on Vimeo.

Oh, and also, have you seen THIS SHIT?!?!

Totally unbelievable. This woman is, like, a caricature of a mean old conservative lady. I love the responses of the neighbors. (h/t Bitch, PhD).

Linky Bits

Howie and the Fonz being pro-Obama is not surprising, but Opie and Andy threw me for a loop, I admit.

Not that readers of this blog need convincing that federal money is better spent on the poor than the rich, but this graph is still pretty cool.

Looky, Daddy has some fabulous images for voting NO on prop 8.

I consider it a hopeful sign that even Liddy Dole is getting this desperate.

If you missed the Daily Show last night, you gotta watch this. I heart Samantha Bee:


OK, I’ve gotten this link from about five different people, so I figured I’d better post it. Might make the debate more fun, less cringing. I will not be able to live-blog tonight, as I have to attend a rehearsal, but we’ll record the debate and I might “live” blog my responses as I watch it when I get home. Hafta wait and see. In the meantime, consider this a handy spot in which to post your expectations and early responses.

Oh, and also – DON’T VOTE.

(Basely stolen from eWAC.)

Linky Bits

What you could look at while I’m too stopped up to blog:

1. Ballotpedia should come in extremely handy this autumn.

2. The public school system, in case you were unaware, is totally FUBAR. I would love to see either of the presidential candidates address this in a meaningful way. But I ain’t holding my breath.

3. You know how diets don’t work? Weight loss surgery doesn’t, either.

4. This video kind of makes me feel better about the human race. (Watch through the awkwardness; it’s worth it.):

Linky Bits for Hump Day

Welcome, Shakesville pilgrims. Hope you like what you see. Here are some things to read/watch since I’m not writing today:

1. This is possibly the snarkiest movie review EVER. I mean, this guy commits to the snark.

2. So, I cried like a baby during Hillary’s I’m-stepping-down speech, and I was both surprised at myself and a little embarrassed to admit it, because most of my friends and family are Barack supporters and I thought they’d make fun of me or think I was silly. But fuck it, you know? It was a motherfucking good speech, and there is much to mourn in her stepping down. Anyway, New York Magazine has several articles on HRC in their latest issue; Tennessee Guerilla Women have a rundown on what’s worth reading and what isn’t.

3. I so want to do this.

4. One of my former coworkers just got married to his longtime partner in San Francisco, and they covered it in the Strib. Check out the photo gallery, too. This totally made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

5. Speaking of warm and fuzzy feelings, if this video of the Hatchling and her friend at the zoo doesn’t make you a little gooey YOU’RE DEAD INSIDE:

I like long weekends. Let’s have them all the time.

It was a good Memorial Day weekend in Squab country. Mr. Squab came home early on Friday, we had a cookout Saturday night, vegetated on Sunday, and had a picnic on Monday, at our favorite park. Good times. I think we’d all be better off if 3.5 day weekends were standard, don’t you?

Meanwhile, I started this week with a vengeance by having a job interview (!). Nothing too freaky – it’s not like I’m looking to go back to full time work or anything, particularly since we hope to have a new little one on the way soon. But I need to get back into teaching, if for no other reason than to prevent massive gaps on my CV. And also I really enjoy it. So I’ve been looking for some adjunct spots, something I can do while being a SAHM. Handily, my BFF is the registrar at a local music college, and so she let me know they were looking for some people for the fall. I aced the phone interview, and so today I did the in-person one. 15 minutes of teaching demo followed by a round of pretty boilerplate interview questions. I think I did pretty well – toward the end of the interview I actually got an “amen, sister” from the chair of the hiring committee – so it was rewarding to know I’ve still got my interviewing chops. But I’ll tell you what: prepping for job-related stuff WITH a two year old is a whole different ball of wax than prepping without one. I was up late last night getting materials together and then shaving my much neglected legs (hello, razor burn!) The interview was at 10 this morning, and since the Hatchling slept until 8:30 (I know, this is not something to complain about), we had to hustle it up to get out of the house on time. Thank god for lovely friend J, who was there to watch the Hatchling while I was gone, and to zip my damn dress up the rest of the way (impossible to reach with my stumpy arms) and to loan me a deck of cards – critical for my teaching demo – since I’d left the house without mine. Of course.

I’m actually feeling pretty zen about the whole thing. It’s a part time position (at least for now), which is a little more low key, and since we don’t need for me to have it – though, don’t get me wrong, the extra $$ would be nice – I feel like I’ll be ok whether or not they have a spot for me. I guess that’s a good place to be, mentally. Right? Or am I losing my edge? Anyway, I’ll keep you posted on the outcome.

Here’s a clip of the Hatchling and her cousin doing a little happy spring dance at the park on Memorial Day. The Hatchling’s 5:00 shadow is actually a light crust of Oreo cookies. Because that’s how we roll, baby.

Happy Oreo Dance on Vimeo.

Friday Recipe Blogging

Did you grow up on the Winnie-the-Pooh books by A. A. Milne? (Note: I said “books” not “movies” and “by A. A. Milne,” not “by Disney.”) If you didn’t, I’m not really sure what to say to you except GO READ THEM NOW. If you did, then you’ll perhaps remember “Cottleston Pie,” one of Pooh’s many zen-koan-like rhymes.

Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie,
A fly can’t bird, but a bird can fly.
Ask me a riddle and I reply
Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie.

Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie,
Why does a chicken? I don’t know why.
Ask me a riddle and I reply
Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie.

Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie,
A fish can’t whistle and neither can I.
Ask me a riddle and I reply
Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie.

Anyhoo, I was having some friends over for brunch the other day, and looking for something to make, and I came across this recipe for Cottleston Pie in my vintage 1969 Pooh cookbook. So I made it, and boy was it scrumptious. Perhaps you would like to make it, too.

Cottleston Pie
adapted from The Pooh Cookbook

1 nine-inch pie shell baked until firm but not brown
3/4 c. diced, cooked, ham
1/4 c. chopped green onion or chives
3 eggs
2 c. whipping cream*
1/4 tsp. salt
grind pepper
1 1/2 Tblsp butter, cut into tiny dots
1/2 c. grated cheese

Preheat oven to 375. Distribute the ham on the bottom of the baked pie shell. Beat the egg, cream, and seasonings until thoroughly mixed. Stir in green onion and pour mixture on top of ham. Scatter the butter dots and cheese on top. Bake for 30 minutes or until pie has puffed up and browned. Serve piping hot.

*You could, of course, use half-and-half or whole milk instead of cream … but you have to ask yourself, is that really what Pooh would want?