Category Archives: milestones

It all balances out in the end

How to Charm Me:
Sleep for 11.5 hours straight through the night. Oh, sweet sleep. Oh, good baby.

How to Irritate the Crap Out of Me:
Sleep an unprecedented 11.5 hours straight through the night, causing me to waken numerous times in absolute certainty that you had died in your sleep and we’d never get to try on all those cute toddler outfits we got, not to mention that I leaked QUARTS of breastmilk all over my pajamas, my side of the bed, and the cat. Oh, engorged boobs. Oh, painful ta-tas.


We have teeth, people. Well, specifically, the Hatchling has teeth. Two of them. In her typical overachiever fashion, she decided to cut both of her center bottom teeth at the same time. Now that they’re out, she is much more talkative, and is spending a lot of time making very funny faces as she feels her teeth with her tongue, apparently trying to push them out of her mouth, because what the hell are these sharp objects doing attached to her lower gums? We’ll post some pictures as soon as she lets us take one. TEEEEEEEEETH!

Solid. Solid as a Rock.

Or at least a rice grain. Yes, after several comically failed attempts, the Hatchling is eating solids. Our pediatrician had suggested that we start her on fruits or vegetables rather than rice cereal, which sounded kind of bizarre to me. But we gamely tried it, and you should have SEEN the faces she made. Not a fan. We switched to rice cereal, and she was all like, hells, yeah! She totally got the hang of opening her mouth as the spoon approached, and had soon developed what I can only call a Michael Jordan approach to eating:

The Michael Jordan of eating

Her mouth would open, and the tongue would come out, too, just to make sure she got every last bit. Of course, fingers make the perfect post dinner snack.

Fingers are good, too

Today, rice cereal; tomorrow: the WORLD!

Long Tall Sally

The Hatchling had her 4 month check-up today. I was a wee tad apprehensive about the visit, since last time she FREAKED OUT about her shots, resulting in me inadvertenly spraying milk all over the pediatrician’s office in my efforts to nurse her back to sanity. But she was amazingly low key about the whole thing. My eight-year-old nephew came along for the ride, so he entertained her in the back seat on the way there and back (and if there’s anything cuter than an 8 year old entertaining a 4 month old, I’d like to know what it is) and she withstood the weighing, measuring, and prodding with great equanimity. When the shots came, she did cry – I mean, who wouldn’t? Relative to her total body mass, those needles are HUGE – but she calmed down as soon as I picked her up, nursed contentedly for about 10 minutes, and then sat happily in her carseat while her cousin made faces and noises at her all the way home. (His assessment: “she’s like a tiny-toed, cross-eyed, fuzzy-headed elf.”) In addition, we discovered that the Hatchling is:

– in the 70th percentile for head circumference;

– in the 75th percentile for weight;

– and in the 97th percentile for length.

Ninety-seventh percentile for length! That is one long baby.